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Node health and information endpoints

The node health and general information endpoints enable you to check the current availability and general information for a node.

Check node health

Use GET http://{baseURL}/health-check to check whether chainweb-node is running and responding to API requests. To check the state of consensus, you should use the GET https://{baseURL}/cut endpoint instead of this endpoint.


Requests to the /health-check endpoint return the following response code:

  • 200 OK indicates that the node is running and responding to API requests.

Response header

The response header parameters are the same for all successful and unsuccessful Chainweb node requests.

x-peer-addrstringSpecifies the host address and port number of the client as observed by the remote Chainweb node. The host address can be a domain name or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format. For example: "".
x-server‑timestampinteger >= 0Specifies the clock time of the remote Chainweb node using the UNIX epoch timestamp. For example: 1618597601.
x‑chainweb‑node‑versionstringSpecifies the version of the remote Chainweb node. For example: "2.23".

Response schema

The response returns text/plain content with the following information:

checkstringHealth check OK.


You can send a health check request to a node like this:


This request returns a plain text message like this:

Health check OK.
Health check OK.

Get general node information

Use GET http://{baseURL}/info to return general information about the node and the Chainweb version.


Requests to the GET http://{baseURL}/info endpoint return the following response code:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded and the response body returns general information about the node and the chains in the network.

Response header

The response header parameters are the same for all successful and unsuccessful Chainweb node requests.

x-peer-addrstringSpecifies the host address and port number of the client as observed by the remote Chainweb node. The host address can be a domain name or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format. For example: "".
x-server‑timestampinteger >= 0Specifies the clock time of the remote Chainweb node using the UNIX epoch timestamp. For example: 1618597601.
x‑chainweb‑node‑versionstringSpecifies the version of the remote Chainweb node. For example: "2.23".

Response schema

If the request is successful, the response returns application/json content with the following:

nodeApiVersion (required)stringSpecifies the Chainweb API version information for the node.
nodeBlockDelay (required)integer >= 0Specifies the number of seconds to delay between blocks.
nodeChains (required)Array of stringsSpecifies the chain identifiers for the chains in the network the node is part of.
nodeGenesisHeights (required)Array of integersSpecifies the block height for the first block of each chain in the network.
nodeGraphHistory (required)Array of integersSpecifies the block height and adjacent chains for all chain graphs indexed by the height of the first block with the respective graph. Graphs are encoded as adjacency lists.
nodeHistoricalChains (required)Array of integersSpecifies the block height and adjacent chains for all chain graphs indexed by the height of the first block for the graph. Graphs are encoded as adjacency lists.
nodeLatestBehaviorHeight (required)integerSpecifies the latest block height for the node.
nodeNumberOfChains (required)integer >= 10Specifies the number of chains in the network the node is part of.
nodePackageVersion (required)stringSpecifies the release package version for the chainweb-node software package running on the node.
nodeServiceDate (required)stringSpecifies the next service date for updating the chainweb-node software package running on the node.
nodeVersion (required)stringSpecifies the network identifier for the network the node is part of. The valid values are "test-singleton", "development", "mainnet01", and "testnet04".


You can send a request for general information to a node like this:


This request returns information similar to the following truncated excerpt:

{    "nodeApiVersion": "0.0",    "nodeBlockDelay": 30000000,    "nodeChains": [        "17",        "16",        "19",    ],    "nodeGenesisHeights": [        [            "17",            852054        ],        [            "16",            852054        ],        [            "19",            852054        ],    ],    "nodeGraphHistory": [        [            852054,            [                [                    17,                    [                        16,                        18,                        2                    ]                ],            ],        ],    ],    "nodeHistoricalChains": [        [            852054,            [                [                    17,                    [                        16,                        18,                        2                    ]                ],            ],         ],      ],    "nodeLatestBehaviorHeight": 4819247,    "nodeNumberOfChains": 20,    "nodePackageVersion": "2.24.1",    "nodeServiceDate": "2024-08-21T00:00:00Z",    "nodeVersion": "mainnet01"}
{    "nodeApiVersion": "0.0",    "nodeBlockDelay": 30000000,    "nodeChains": [        "17",        "16",        "19",    ],    "nodeGenesisHeights": [        [            "17",            852054        ],        [            "16",            852054        ],        [            "19",            852054        ],    ],    "nodeGraphHistory": [        [            852054,            [                [                    17,                    [                        16,                        18,                        2                    ]                ],            ],        ],    ],    "nodeHistoricalChains": [        [            852054,            [                [                    17,                    [                        16,                        18,                        2                    ]                ],            ],         ],      ],    "nodeLatestBehaviorHeight": 4819247,    "nodeNumberOfChains": 20,    "nodePackageVersion": "2.24.1",    "nodeServiceDate": "2024-08-21T00:00:00Z",    "nodeVersion": "mainnet01"}